Aristotle was born in Stagirus(Stagira) in northern Greece.His father was the personal physician of the king of Macedonia.Because his father died when Aristotle was young,Aristotle could not follow the custom of following his father's profession.Aristotle become an orphan at young age when his mother also died.His guardian who raised him taught him poetry,rhetoric and greek.At the age of 17,his guardian sent him to Athens to future his education.Aristotle joined plato's Academy where for 20 years he attended plato's lectures,later presenting his won lectures on rhetoric,when plato died in 347 B.CE,Aristotle was not chosen to succeed him because his views differed too much from those of plato.Instead,Aristotle joined the court of King Hermeas where he remained for three years,and married the niece of the King. When the Persians defeated Hermeas,Aristotle moved to Mytilene and,at the invitation of King Philip of Macedonia,he tutored.Alexander,Philip's son,who later become Alexander the Great.Aristotle tutored Alexander for five years and after the death of King Philip,he returned to Athens and set up his won school called the Lyceum.
Aristotle's followers were called the peripatetics,which means "to walk about" because Aristotle often walked around as he discussed philosophical questions.Aristotle taught at the Lyceum for 13 years where he lectured to his advanced student in the morning and gave popular lectures to a broad audience in impiety against Aristotle.Aristotle fled to Chalcis to avoid prosecution.He only lived one year in Chalcis,dying of a stomach ailment 322 B.CE.
Aristotle wrote three types of works: those written for a popular audience,compilations of scientific facts,and systematic treatises.The systematic treatises included works on logic,philosophy,physics and natural history.Aristotle's writings were preserved by a student and were hidden in a vault where a wealthy book collector discovered them about 200 years later,the were taken to Rome,Where they were studied by scholars and issued in new edition,preserving then for posterity.


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