
Showing posts from February, 2011


He is born in 1938 .Knuth grew up in Milwaukee, where his father taught bookkeeping at a Lutheran high school and owned a small printing business.He was an excellent student, earning academic achievement awards.He applied his intelligence in unconventional ways, winning a contest when he was in the eighth grade by finding over 4500 words that could be formed from the letters in "Ziegler's Giant Bar".This won a television set for his school and a candy bar for everyone in his class. Knuth had a difficult time choosing physics over music as his major the Case Institute of Technology.He then switched from physics to mathematics,and in 1960 he received his bachelor of science degree, simultaneously receiving a muster of science degree by a special awards of the faculty who considered his worked outstanding.At Case,he manage the basked ball team and applied his Atalents by constructing a formula for the value of each player.This novel approach was covered by Newsweek and by W